Oh my secret keeper

Love poetry Oh my secret keeper

Love poetry Oh my secret keeper

Oh my secret keeper ...
I love you my friend deeper..
You are the best one in my life..
You are the last one in my life...
Your clenched fist ...
Raise my strength to resist ...

When I was lost in mist ...
You were there to untwist....
The knot of worries...
the hard stories....
my bitter furies ...
I know that I am a weeper..
Nevertheless you are my keeper..
I trust you more than me deeper..
Oh my secret keeper ...
Your words can heal my pain..
Like a weather of cloud and then
When my tears are flowing down the drain...
You were there to wipe my tears and give me fain..
Oh my secret keeper ...
I love you my friend deeper...
Where have you gone ...
I am alone....
I lost you once....
And crying alone ...
Where have you gone....
Where have you gone....
Oh my secret keeper ...
I love you my friend deeper...
You are the best one in my life...
You are the last one in my life...
I am missing you a lot...
Memories has been tied in knot..
But you are in front of mine ..
Like a sun more bright in sunshine...
Like stars are more delight in line..
You are true you are mine...
Oh my secret keeper ...
I love you my friend deeper...
You are the best one in my life ...
You are the last one in my life...
Oh my secret keeper ...
I miss you a lot and deeper...

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